The Startling Sagas of the Silver Surfer
This is not a contest between Jack Kirby, a great artist and
storyteller and John Buscema who was also one of my favorites.
But I have wondered over the years, which back story of the
Silver Surfer best suited the character, Kirby’s or Buscema’s. For decades I
thought Kirby’s but now I realize, given the choice of just those two, it has
to be Buscema’s not Kirby’s.
Jack Kirby’s Silver Surfer actually presented a familiar theme
from Jack Kirby. In Fantastic Four #48, Kirby gave him form and Stan Lee gave
him substance. But no one gave him pants.
Go back and look. The Surfer was
life from lifelessness, he had no gender.
Stan used the masculine pronouns for him, but he really was an “it.” He
had no parts to be private with and did not need pants.
Kirby’s Surfer had no back story.
Now take a breath:
There are some who feel that only Kirby should have drawn
the Surfer. I agree. Kirby also should have been the only one to draw the
Fantastic Four, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, X-Men, Nick Fury, Sgt. Fury,
The Hulk and the Human Torch strips.
(Anyone could have drawn Ant-Man.) However, the 14th amendment
outlawed slavery and they had to take those shackles off of Kirby and let him
draw only 60 pages a month. He was, of course drawing the Fantastic Four and Thor, but
Captain America, in 1969 just doubled in length when he took over “Tales of Suspense.” So when
you say he should have drawn the Surfer, please mention which comic you wanted
him to give up.
All John Buscema did when he drew the Surfer was do a
beautiful job. But his first story gave us a very different Surfer. You see,
Kirby’s Surfer was a murderer.
The Surfer had an ironic introduction. In Fantastic Four #48,
in his very first panel, the text reads, “But life goes on--” This is ironic
because the Surfer was the harbinger of death. If he came to your planet, life
did not go on!
Kirby’s Surfer went from planet to planet, looking for life
and then signaled thumbs up or down to his master. Galactus would come down and
would suck all the energy out of the planet, something like Mobil-Exxon. So the
Surfer was a murderer. If you say he wasn’t, that Galactus was, it was saying
that all those Gestapo agents
who loaded people on trains going to the concentration camps were not
culpable. The Kirby Surfer knew exactly
what he was doing, even if he was “only following orders.”
Norrin Radd, in Silver Surfer #1 was a great seeker of truth
and human perfection. In fact, he was a snob.
His planet was a place of peace and contentment, but he could not be
content because everyone else was. He had a sense of danger, a “spidey sense” that told him that something bad was going to
happen. In fact when Galactus’ ship travels to his planet Norrin knows that
they will be linked. Showing nobility,
Norrin gives up the life he wasn’t happy with to with and becomes the herald of
Buscema’s Surfer changed the story. In one panel, as I remember, the Surfer
bypasses a planet because it was filled with primitive life. Yet, the very next panel reminds us that he
came to Earth to extinguish us all!
Kirby’s Surfer came to Earth with no humanity and gained it
here fooling around with Alicia. He was programmed to kill, but once he gained
his humanity, he realized it was wrong and began to change his ways. This works
well because Kirby’s Surfer was a part time player, a supporting character.
But with a major problem: Galactus. Since Galactus could take life, it
would be wrong, seriously wrong, if he could create life too. This would make
him God. Not a god, like Thor, but God.
Why couldn’t Galactus then create life, create planets, like we create
gardens and live of them? No, Galactus should not be able to create life, that
is too special. So, as a full time
character that needed an origin, the Surfer could not be life from
lifelessness. As a part time character we did not need a back story. Galactus
therefore needed to find then transform, Norrin Rand into the Blue Surfer, not
create one from nothingness. (Take a look at the comic; he is really blue, not silver.) We call him the Silver Surfer because that is
what Stan wants us to call him. But honest, in my comics he was mostly white
with some blue.
Galactus came to Earth, not only speaking English, but with
a big G on his chest. So he not only spoke our language, he knew which country
he was going to. He asks the Fantastic
Four in issue #49 and to Norrin, “Would you not hesitate to step on an ant?” Well,
first, how does Galactus know about ants? (Another Henry Pym reference.). However, someone should have mentioned to the
big “G” that you don’t talk to ants and ants don’t look like you as earthlings
do. And unlike Galactus, I don’t feel I have to explain myself to ants.
But the Surfer failed. I guess some Kirby fans will blame Lee but who
do they blame for Mister Miracle who failed after the same number of issues? Or
the New Gods, Forever People or the Hulk?
The single biggest mistake in the run of the Surfer was to
have one of their mightiest characters Earth bound. He was called the Sentinel of the Skyways, but he had no
Easy Pass to get there, he was stuck on Earth. Thor got better when his stories took off Midgard and
placed him in Asgard, the Underworld, or in different realms. The Surfer stories,
especially in the beginning, were often about prejudice. This rarely fully
captured the character, or gave him a serious threat, but would have made an interesting
sub-plot every once in a while. They
should have been able to roam the Skyways, even go home, and have great
adventures off the Earth. In his best story he went to Hell, in issue #4. Space travel might
have also stopped his incessant whining.
There is a difference between
prejudice and common sense. If I saw a
naked person, painted blue (OK silver) walking down the street in the winter
and we were 1,000 miles from the ocean and he was carrying a Surf board, is it
prejudiced to think he is nuts?
Both Kirby and Buscema would return to their characters.
Jack Kirby with Stan Lee produced a screenplay for a Surfer movie that became a
trade paperback in 1978. It showed Kirby’s
version of the character and his first contact with Earth, but without the Fantastic
Four. John Buscema’s 1988 Graphic Novel, returns the Surfer to his version, a herald
who was once a man. Notice the shape of
the object the naked women are imploring him to enter. There was no comics code
Oh, the Silver Surfer had a great letter's page in issue #14.
Barry, I substantially agree. Both the Kirby version and the Lee-Buscema version have strong points, and Kirby's isn't necessarily gold purely because he conceived the character.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the "G" on the big guy's chest connotes anything but artist error.
ReplyDeleteI just laughed at the "G" recently, when I thought about it. When originally published I didn't think about it at all.
Kirbysaid he drew the G because, in his originals, Galactus would claim to be God. Stan later used this side of the Galactus premise when the FF would face Gabriel who would blow his horn to bring Earth to an end. And it almost did, because Gabriel served Galactus.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the Surfer failed. I believe Robert Beerbohm's theory that there was a speculation and retailers false reported on their sales. That same series distributed in other countries was a great success. While it may be a matter of different taste across cultures, there are just too many fondly remembered runs from that era (Adams' X-Men and GL/GA, Kirby's Fourth World) that "failed".