I have read over 15,000 comics in my life and two thirds of
them have not been Marvels. Most had been DCs. I started reading comics
in the late 1950s when DC dominated the superhero field. I was not immediately
attracted to Marvel, contrary to
popular belief; my favorite at the time was Challengers of the
Unknown. Of course Superman was
still a daily treat on TV, I watched it on WPIX, Channel 11 in New York. Who
knew then of the incredible connection between these two!!! Marvel’s comics, as
well as those of ACG, at first seemed a bit smaller, with
not only less vibrant colors, but also less sharp printing than
DC’s or Dell's. In fact, when I was very young, I once thought ACG and Marvel were the same company. And with
Steve Ditko drawing for both Charlton and Marvel
in a very distinctive style, I thought Charlton and Marvel might also be the same.
all know that the Justice League’s
success prodded Marvel to get back
into the superhero line.
a young reader at the time, Fantastic
Four #1 did look like it was inspired by an existing superhero group,
but not the JLA which featured DC’s
stars. It looked like DC’s Legion of
Super-Heroes, which had similar members. Sun Boy had heat powers similar to
the Torch, the Invisible
Kid had powers like Sue Storm's, and Jimmy Olsen as the Elastic
Lad had powers similar to Reed Richards. Also, unlike the JLA but like the Fantastic Four, the Legion seemed to live together, often like
brothers and sisters.

I had then become a fan of Marvel’s full length comics, but I was not thrilled by their anthology ones: Tales of Suspense, Tales to Astonish, Strange Tales and Journey into Mystery. I really began to miss those five page stories, especially the ones done by Kirby and Ditko. I was not a big fan of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk or Ant-Man either. It took until Steve Ditko redid Iron Man in issue #48 and the introduction of good supporting characters (Pepper and Happy) to bring me strongly aboard. Tales to Astonish was never a favorite when it just starred Ant-Man. When he fought a small villain, such as the Scarlet Beetle, I wondered why he just couldn’t grow to full size and step on it. He also had full conversations with ants, who alerted him to bank robberies. How does an ant know about bank robberies? It got better when the Hulk was added to the comic. Then Marvel once again called on Steve Ditko and he recreated the Hulk and added strong supporting characters to the mix.
Thor, in Journey Into Mystery, was fun
in the beginning, but when he started fighting Earth-bound villains, like in
“Prisoner of the Reds,” or the Cobra and Hyde, it was all a bit dull to me
because they never seemed a powerful as Thor. I renewed my interest in the series when Lee and Kirby returned. They introduced Tales of Asgard, giving Thor great new characters and a back-story, and me a great comic to look forward to.
The Human Torch stories in Strange Tales were rarely fun in the
beginning, but got better and funnier when the Thing was involved. However, I slowly got taken in by
Dr. Strange, which I still feel was
some of Ditko’s best work. And Marvel’s.
These days, I occasionally read articles critical of the
promotion and cross referencing Marvel did
in the early 1960s, as today it seems over the top and distracting. Many of the
comments come from people not around then.
Nowadays it seems that Marvel was always going to be successful, but
back then, they really had to fight for their market share (and news stand
space) to survive. Yes, it did help when a new character, Ant-Man, the Hulk or Daredevil showed up in a comic you read to
promote their new title. Also, Stan’s
Special Announcement became more and more important and interesting as he
connected with the fans and told us what to look for on the stands. There were no comic book stores; you often
had to look for these comics!
had traded away, or just not kept, several of those early anthology comics,
perhaps ten in all. I noticed in myself that I was buying Marvel Tales and Marvel
Collectors' Item Classics to get the stories I had given away. In those
days older comics often cost less than new comics and new comics only cost 12
cents. So by 1964 I got them all back and I have kept everything!!!!!
Sgt. Fury was the only Marvel comic I did not read from the
beginning. I wasn’t interested in war comics although I had picked up issue #1.
But I borrowed issue #8, “The Death Ray of Dr. Zemo,” which tied Fury strongly into the Marvel Universe, and then I started to
collect the back issues. Of course, issue #13 where Captain America starred was wonderful, with one of the best covers
of that era! Oh, I didn’t know of Captain America until he appeared in Strange Tales #114.
Spider-Man was unusual from the
beginning, but really began to kick into high gear for me by issue #9, with
Electro, and #10 with the Enforcers.

enjoyed the X-Men, but for me the
series took off when the Stranger was introduced. Why? Magneto was about their
only villain and he got banished in that issue. Soon we had the Sentinels. I
wish to this day that Kirby had stayed on a little longer to establish that
series. The stories he co-plotted were wonderful.
Avengers got me with issue #3. The Hulk had resigned and now, for the
first time in my comic book life, it seemed that a resignation would be permanent. Of
course, Captain America in the
next issue elevated it even further.
Then in issue #16, the comic that was most like the Justice League changed its members and removed it big stars. This was different!
Then in issue #16, the comic that was most like the Justice League changed its members and removed it big stars. This was different!
I enjoyed Captain America, Sub-Mariner and SHIELD series from the beginning, although at the time they were 'Latecomers." I enjoyed Gene Colan
on Subby, in spite of the Colletta inking. Nick
Fury was great - then, as so many artists came and went, it declined until
Steranko took over and made it one of the best runs ever. I enjoyed Cap, even
when George Tuska took over and gave us the Sleepers. But Kirby's Cap was always the
best in TOS.
I was growing up, I felt that Marvel
was growing up with me, but that DC was not. The stories became more complex,
with more character development at Marvel,
not so much at DC. And the Marvel
artwork stressed individuality I thought, whereas DC had a corporate, house
look. When Marvel expanded, I cut
back on my DCs.
again my thanks goes out to the generous Kid Robson for his help!