Marvel: The Avengers DVD Review/Thoughts about Nick Fury.
My reviews are for the converted, they are for those who
read and enjoy comics. Here, I am specifically reviewing the DVD and Blu-Ray
not just the movie.
There are no spoilers here. I will remind people, however,
that many of the super-hero movies (Both Marvel and DC) have scenes during and
after the credits and you should stay to the end see them. The Avengers
follows that tradition. But first let me mention somethings about Nick Fury.
At first glance, there are three major characters in the
Marvel Universe that should not be black: The Hulk, the Silver Surfer and Nick Fury.
I use the term “black” and not “African-American” in science
fiction and comics for very simple reasons. Some characters, such as the Black Panther
are not American; they are African so the term “American” should not be used
here. Also, black characters from other planets do NOT have African roots so
the term would not be correct here either. In sci-fi we often do not know the
“origins” or “birth places” of many characters.
Sgt. Fury was a unique character in a unique series. At
a time of the civil rights movement, Lee and Kirby presented ordinary but common
men, a Jew, Izzy, an Italian, Dino, a Southerner, and a black man, Gabe Jones,
in extraordinary and horrible conditions. Comics featuring black characters
were not always popular. Dell released Lobo in 1966, the story of a black
western hero and stores in the south refused to display them. It was cancelled
in two issues. So it took courage to do have a racial mixed Sgt. Fury.
W.W. II was a war about race and Fury showed that a group of men of
different backgrounds can truly become a band of brothers; this was 30 years
before Stephen Ambrose wrote his book, The Band of Brothers about the 101st
Airborne Division, known as the “Screaming Eagles.”
Sadly, the armed forces during W.W. II were segregated. There
could be no black sergeant leading such a group in W.W. II. So Lee and Kirby,
and later Lee and Dick Ayers, showed Fury growing up in the lower east side on New
York, just like Kirby did. They developed the conflict between black Gabe Jones
and Southerner Reb Ralston and then showed how they became comrades in arms and
good friends. So for Sgt. Fury to make sense, Fury needs to be white, the story
doesn’t make sense if he isn’t.
Well, first, you have Samuel Jackson playing the role,
perfectly, so how lucky can you get? But, honestly, my first thought was, what
if it he played Gabe Jones? And make Gabe Jones the head of SHIELD. Then I saw
the movie of Captain
America and saw Cap fighting with the Howlers, but there was no Sgt Fury. Well, in 1965 you
could have Nick
Fury, veteran of W.W. II, then about 40, leading SHIELD. But while
Cap was frozen, Fury
wasn’t, and he, like me, would be too old today. So the movie world had a
choice: Either Sgt. Fury was there in 1941 or he will be here in 2012.
We can’t have both. So, it was as if the Living Eraser went back in time and
eliminated him!

My Nick Fury lost his eye during World War II
fighting the Nazis. On the Avengers TV Show, Nick Fury explains that he lost his
eye fighting the Winter Soldier who I knew as Cap’s partner, Bucky.
Because my Sgt. Fury was such an important part of comic book
history, I am sorry to see him go. But in seeing Samuel Jackson up there on the
screen, in charge of everything, I think, maybe, in the end, Nick Fury
won his war after all. Thank you Stan and Jack!
Don’t yield, back SHIELD!
Since this is a review of the DVD and Blu- Ray, let me start
with the extras.
The word disappointing here would be a bit unfair, but there
are only two special features here that I enjoyed. First, an 11 minute (9 minutes
with two minutes of credits) “Marvel One Shot.” A small new movie, SHIELD sends
Jasper Sitwell to recover a missing alien weapon. This scene takes place after
the continuity of the movie. It also seems to reaffirm the death of Colson,
who, among my friends, no one believes he is really dead.
In “Assembling the Avengers” we get a 9 minute obligatory piece,
where the actors complement each other and tell us how great everyone was. They
always mention a short list and who was on top of it to get a certain role. If
you change the names this could have gone on a million other DVDs.
In “Imaging the Movie” they don’t show how they did the
special effects, but just lift scenes from the movie which you have just seen.
The gag reel runs about 4 minutes and is not really funny; the
actors actually say that they blew their lines to appear in it.
Scenes are often left out of a movie for three reasons:
- Time. They need a certain running length.
- Although the scene is good it slows down the movie.
- The scene just does not work.
Well, we now demand to see the scenes that don’t work. Sometimes
they even release DVDs and include them in the actual picture and call it “The
Director’s Cut” when it is really not. So how can I say that deleted scenes are
good, when they may not be? So it was interesting to see such things as the
Maria Hill alternate beginning and end and agree it didn’t fit. Others screens
also include Loki & Barton Strategize; Nick Fury & World Security Council; An Extended
Viaduct Fight Fury
& Hill Discuss the World Security Council; Banner and a Security Guard.
“Steve Rogers - Man out of Time” was the highlight of the
deleted scenes and, actually, I not only wish it was longer, but it would have
made a good ten minute movie. Chris Evans is perfect is showing a man our sync,
lonely and sad. It really gave great insight into the Lee and Kirby 1960s Captain America.
And speaking of Lee, he has a cameo in this clip.
This is one damn good movie! I enjoyed every minute of it.
From beginning to end you say “wow!” My favorite comic book movies were the
Richard Donner Superman and his version of Superman II. This is up there with
them. I give it an A+.
Of course, the Avengers feature the super-heroes of the last few
Marvel movies: Thor,
Captain America,
Iron Man
and the Hulk. Clint Barton as Hawkeye, the Black Widow and Nick Fury, are also here.
The major plot line carries over from the Thor
movie. Loki comes to Earth (just as he did in Avengers #1) and causes an event so
big that the heroes have to unite to save him. The event features him trying to
gain custody and control of the Cosmic Cube, which is a cross-over from the
plot of the Captain
America movie (and several Captain America comics).
One of the strongest attractions of this movie is that you
did NOT have to see these other movies to completely understand what was going
on. And rather than take a huge amount of time showing the origins of all the
characters, their origins and powers were just simply explained, bring everyone
up to date, quickly.
Robert Downey Jr. is so perfect and appealing for the role of
the “leader” that there was a danger of this becoming Iron Man III, especially when the
other heroes, such as Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth arrive a bit late.
But as strong as Downey is, director Josh Whedon seems to have carefully
balanced the scenes with Chris Evans (Captain America) and especially Mark Ruffalo
(Bruce Banner and the Hulk) so well that Downey helps bring out the best, and
inner truths of these characters. And boy does Evans look like Kirby’s Cap.
The Hulk is perhaps the most complex and trickiest of these
characters to portray and Ruffalo is the fourth actor (or fifth if you count
Bill Bixby) to play him. Ruffalo’s Hulk far exceeded my expectations for a
number of reasons. The Hulk in this movie is a supporting character, while
Banner is more than that. Whedon plays with the audience; he knows you know
about the Hulk, so much is handled with great fun and humor. The Hulk finally
looks like Banner and you can believe the two entities are the same man.
Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner play the non-super
members of the Avengers.
But as in the comics, their participation is essential for the team’s success.
I was surprised to discover that the beautiful and talented
Gwyneth Paltrow is in the movie. She has a long scene with Tony Stark and agent
Coulson who is played with great comic timing by Clark Gregg. This scene is
important because it adds great depth all the characters involved. (Ms. Paltrow
was in the movie Sky Captain, which copied the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and
gave Angela Jolie the role of a spy leader with an eye-patch, like Nick Fury’s,
in 2004.)
Samuel Jackson was wonderful and gives a strong performance.
If I have one small objection to the movie it is simply that this character
faces ethical choices that have become typical, if not formula, to leaders of
law enforcement.
I am saving some of the best for last. Tom Hiddleston, in
his second movie as Loki, just nails the character. He is delightful
wonderfully cruel, devious, tricky and gives a simply powerful and memorable
performance as an actor. He takes us through the entire movie.
In the past, many movies based on comics had weak writers,
weak actors and weak production. Not so here. This is a grand cast, a great
director, first class production, with great writing and special effects.
In the most exciting scene all the heroes line up and
prepare for battle a tear came to my eyes. Really. My only thought was: “I wish
Jack Kirby and Don Heck were here to see this.” Heck was responsible for Iron Man,
Black Widow
and Hawkeye;
Kirby for Thor,
Hulk, Nick Fury,
Loki and, of course, Captain America. I am glad that Lee and Lieber,
Ayers and Sinnott, are able to see what they wrote and drew on screen.
The movie looks great on Blu-Ray, but my 3-D projector is
down for a month so I cannot tell you what the home 3-D looks like!
The era of my comics is long over. The creativity and
originality, the artists and writers, are forever gone, and, though I never
discuss it, you don’t know how sad that makes me feel. While I can see bits and
pieces of the past on the silver screen, I urge everyone one here to celebrate
those who we still have left and just enjoy those comics. We shall not see
their like again.